You are not required to sell your SRECs or participate with Carbon Solutions if you decide to sell, but depending on your system size and the contract option that you choose, you may qualify for an upfront payment of $500-$2500 or annual payments.



If you do agree to a contract, then you would be agreeing to:

1. Maintain your system and its reporting capabilities. 

2. Provide meter readings from your array on a consistent basis for the term of your contract. Online monitoring may satisfy this.

3. Notify CSG if you move or transfer your contract and sign a transfer agreement.  


Underperformance: What is a Performance Evaluation?

If your system underperforms during any year in the 15 year period and fails to generate the RECs projected for that year, the utility may “clawback” REC payments. This means that you may have to pay the utility back for some RECS that were not generated at a pro-rated amount.

Upfront Payments: If you opted for upfront payments and don't meet the minimum delivery over the course of the term your contract will be extended until minimum production is met. 

Market Based and Fixed Rate: There is no performance check if a system underperforms in these structures, there will be no payment. 

The projected delivery schedule will be included in your REC contract and updated once the IPA has confirmed your systems participation and delivery schedule.

A performance call is a notification by CSG letting you know that your solar system has underperformed and a utility clawback is due. A performance evaluation is done on an annual basis to assess your three-year rolling REC generation. 


Carbon Solutions SREC
1-888-237-SREC (7732)
Schedule A Call




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