Solaredge US | Three Phase Revenue Grade Meters

What is a Revenue Grade Meter?

Revenue-Grade Meters (RGMs) are power production meters that measure to +/- 2% accuracy per the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) rule C12.1-2008. Many SREC states require that we report your production through RGMs. Unfortunately, the SolarEdge meter that provides data to your SolarEdge monitoring portal is not Revenue Grade and cannot be used to report your production for the purpose of SRECs.


Can I participate in net metering and the SREC Market? 

Clients can participate in net metering, federal tax credits, and the SREC market under one solar system. Your net metering production has no impact on the SRECS you can create.

While net metering allows residential and commercial customers who generate their own solar-powered electricity to feed electricity back into the grid, SRECs represent the intangible environmental attributes of the solar energy generated. 


Eligibility Requirements by State

Below is a list of states that require RGM meters for reporting production to SREC agencies.

New Jersey 

Effective November 30, 2012, all solar facilities are required to have a revenue grade meter and must report meter readings in order to produce SRECs.


Facilities must report generation from revenue grade meters to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (Mass CEC) Production Tracking System (PTS). Facilities with a nameplate capacity greater than 10 kW must report automatically using a Mass CEC-approved revenue grade meter online monitoring system, also known as a Data Acquisition System (DAS).


Facilities less than 15 kW DC capacity, interconnected prior to May 18, 2017, that did not receive funding from the PA Sunshine Program, and do not have a Revenue Grade Meter may be eligible to produce SRECs from estimated generation based on PV Watts estimates.

A facility must use actual, metered production if the facility is equal to or greater than 15kW, has a revenue-grade PV meter installed, or if the facility is composed of adjustable tilt PV modules or laminate PV modules, or if the facility was interconnected on or after May 18, 2017.

In addition, estimates are not allowed if the facility already has metered generation processed by PJM-GATS, as stated in the GATS Operating Rules, Section 6.3.3 Section d.


Facilities less than 10 kW DC capacity are eligible to produce SRECs from estimated generation based on PV Watts estimates. All other facilities must report monthly readings.

Washington D.C.

Facilities less than 10 kW DC capacity are eligible to produce SRECs from estimated generation based on PV Watts estimates. All other facilities must report monthly readings. Systems larger than 10 kW are required to report generation from a revenue grade meter.


Systems less than 6 kW must report from a readable meter or inverter showing total production. Systems over 6 kW must report from a Revenue Grade Meter.


Further Reading: 

How does selling my SREC's impact Net Metering?



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