This guide is intended as a “how-to” manual to gather all necessary documents for Carbon Solutions Group, LLC (CSG) to submit a Part 2 Application to the Illinois Shines Adjustable Block Program (ABP). For a more detailed explanation of ABP, please follow this link.


How does this process work?

The Part 2 process occurs after Part 1 ICC approval. This is a crucial step required for your application to be “cemented” into the Program with the REC price that your application will receive. 

All mentioned final documentation is required, with no exceptions. If we do not have all the required information, we will direct you to one of our partners specializing in stranded customer care. Please be aware that the state program administrators can request any information/documentation at their discretion, which can cause delays in the SREC application process.

If you do not know the qualified individual who interconnected your system, a required document known as a “DG attestation” is needed. This requires another installer to inspect your installation to ensure the installation meets the program’s expectations.

We do not know how much it can cost for this installer to inspect your system. We understand this is frustrating, however, this is required for us to proceed with your application process as we must implement the state’s requirements.

We are confident that the program requires this process to ensure the system installation meets the program expectations and ensures your system can produce the number of RECs your system is being paid out so you don’t pay anything back. 


Part 2 Application Process


1. Certificate of Completion/ Permission to Operate Document-

COC/PTO (certificate of completion/permission to operate/authorization to energize) - This

document is provided by the utility. Each utility has its own unique format that is considered

sufficient in this program. You can always request this document from your utility and we can

confirm if the document is sufficient or not. If you’re not sure what kind of document is needed,

please contact us so we can provide an example that is sufficient according to your utility.


For example, Ameren provides two different sufficient documents. If this document is provided, please make sure the AC size stated is for the applied amount or

higher. ABP will reject it if the AC size being applied is higher than the AC size stated in the

document. To bypass this discrepancy, we can use one of Ameren’s formats with your

most recent utility bill.


If the COC/PTO has an address that differs from the system installation address or a different utility account holder is listed, please explain so we can submit this explanation with the application. This is standard practice.



This is Ameren’s Certificate of Completion document, which is sufficient as well. They want

these two documents that are usually separate from each other. We consider the

interconnection date to be the EDC signature date from this document. This is the document

we’d want in order to bypass the discrepancy if the Ameren PTO email states a lower AC size

that was installed.



2. Utility bill - Please provide us with your most recent utility bill. This is required for us to move forward with your application. 

2. Pics of the panels - The pictures need to be clear and easy to count. Drone photos are

preferred as the birds-eye view makes it easier for us to count. This will confirm the DC size of

the system. The plot diagram or a layout of the system from your online monitoring is not

sufficient as the pic of the panels. It’s important to prove the system is installed to the

program administrators. Online monitoring may provide different information on their layout, thus creating more discrepancies.


If you don’t have access to a drone, then please provide a clear photo from a safe

distance/environment showing all panels clearly. For example, this picture is easy and is clear

for us to count and was taken from ground level.


This is an example of a bad picture. This kind of grouping of the panels is difficult for us to

count. The state program administrators will most likely reject this picture and request for a new



Preferably, if you do have access to a drone, it’s easier for us to view the location of each array

that was installed if multiple were installed.


For example, the drone pic is clear and easy to view the locations of the arrays. If you don’t

have access to a drone, that’s OK, please ensure the group photos are clear and easy to count.


1. Online monitoring - This information is required for us to ensure your system is

producing the number of RECs your system is obligated to produce for the next 15

years. We monitor your system for you as per our agreement, however, you have to

provide us access. If you decline us access, we’ll charge an 8% non-internet

connection fee and you’ll have to provide us monthly meter reads for the next 15

years. You’ll have to provide us pictures of the inverter model number from the

actual inverter and the meter read from your meter/inverter, but it needs to show

the lifetime/total production.


SolarEdge - Please provide us access to There are instructions that you can find at our website If you email us and inform us that you’ve granted us access, we can view on our end and confirm we’re able to view. However, if we’re still having issues being able to view it, you may need to contact a SolarEdge representative.


Enphase - If you have Enphase, you’ll need to grant us access to You can find instructions on our website. If you email us and inform us that you’ve granted us access, we can view it on our end and confirm we’re able to view it. However, if we’re still having issues being able to view it, you may need to contact an Enphase representative.


If you have a different brand, please let us know so we can inform you which username to

Provide us access since we have a variety of online access options depending on the brand.


1. Inverter model number pic - If we have online monitoring, we’re able to obtain this

information/documentation for you. However, if you decide to send us the picture of the

inverter, you can provide us with the inverter model number from the sticker itself.


SolarEdge - If you grant us online monitoring, please provide us with both the

dashboard and layout access. The layout access is how we’re able to determine

the AC size that was installed for your system.


For example, the model number suggests a 7.6 kW AC was installed for this



This picture is directly from the inverter sticker which suggests a 10 kW AC inverter was

installed with this brand.

Microinverters - If you have Enphase or any microinverters that are installed, then a picture of

the inverter model number will not be enough. Usually, we’re able to obtain the information

required once we have online monitoring. However, if we’re not able to obtain ALL

microinverter model numbers that were installed, then formal documentation such as an

invoice or work order can be used to confirm the number of microinverters and model

numbers of the system.


3. RGM - A revenue-grade meter that meets ANSI C12 standards is required if the system is

over 10 kW AC. If your installer did not install this equipment, we will refer you to one of our

well-versed partners. This is a requirement in the program, there are no exceptions for this

program rule. Some inverters may have RGMs integrated with the equipment, however, there

are times when it’s considered optional and they are not defaulted to having them built within the inverter. Enphase does have an integrated RGM that meets ANSI C12 standards with their

microinverters so this is easier for us to move forward with. However, SolarEdge may or may not

have RGMs installed.


A third-party RGM may have been installed such as Wattnode, Egauge, etc which will look like



If it is an Egauge, they do provide online monitoring. Please provide us with this online

monitoring at Contact_CSG or the public link. We do prefer access to Contact_CSG is given,

but you may need to speak with a representative for it. You can provide us with the public link.

We need the ID for Egauge if Contact_CSG access was provided so we can better locate the


There are RGMs installed that appears as if it it’s the utility meter. Please be careful when taking

these photos and providing them as the utility meter is not sufficient as the ANSI C12 RGM. If

these are installed, then we still need accurate readings from the RGM. We may contact you

directly for a yearly production reading every year.


4. One-line Diagram of the Battery Schematics (if one is installed) - It needs to meet the

program’s requirements. We’ll need one that follows the program’s guidelines to prove the

system isn’t taking energy from the grid. Please ensure all specs are included in this diagram

and ensure nothing is cut out of the document when sending it to us. We may need to refer you

to one of our partners if you’re not able to provide this document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are CSG Fees?

A:  5% collateral - This fee is required upfront by your utility in case your system underperforms the number of RECs you have been paid out upfront. This is also to dissuade applicants from withdrawing from the program as your application is “cemented” into a REC price in the block you are submitted to. This is why the prices are based on the best-estimated prices available at the time. Your application reaching part 1 ICC-approval is the status that allows us to know your application is locked in a specific REC price. This fee is refundable after the 15-year contract has been fulfilled and any collateral drawdowns have been paid off during the contract. 


ABP application fee—This fee is non-refundable and is $20/kW AC. It is charged to the state program administrators for their participation in the program. 

If you’re not able to afford these fees upfront, we can submit you to the program and withhold the required fees from your SREC incentive check IF we have all the required Part 2 documents.


Q: What are my obligations for self submitting?

A: Provide all necessary documents. As long as we have all the required documents, we can proceed with the application process. Visit this link for more on contractual obligations


Q: What if I don’t have a document listed here?

A: If you’re not able to provide the Part 1 documents, please refer to the Part 2 guide so we can move forward with the application process. These are the most important documents in the entire program to confirm your system is energized and producing back to the grid.



We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.

                                                Carbon Solutions Group Contact Information                                                       


Phone: 888-237-SREC (7732)




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