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Washington Market Details

Market Overview

The Washington SREC Market has RECs that are openly traded on the WREGIS system.

WREGIS Tracking

The Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) monitors the renewable energy credit (REC) market in California, issuing WREGIS certificates for each generated REC. These certificates verify adherence to state Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) regulations. WREGIS extends its services across 14 states and two provinces in Canada.

Retroactivity / Eligibility Start Date

Facilities will be eligible to generate renewable energy credits upon system registration with WREGIS (REC generating and tracking system).

REC Shelf Life

Washington SRECs have a shelf life of 5 years. Example: A SREC generated in 2024 can be counted towards the 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 or 2028 compliance periods.


SREC Crash Course: The Basics

Frequently Asked Questions

Payment Options




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