What happens to your REC incentives when program ends? Each state has a different renewable portfolio standard (RPS), and when this is reached, programs can be phased out. There are also set timeframes that may be coming to an end. 

When your system's eligibility ends, it may be eligible to be transferred to another program. For example: 

When a system's SREC eligibility ends, it is automatically moved to the Class I REC program. The owner can continue reporting to PTS each month and contact their SREC aggregator to see if they will continue to act as an aggregator for Class I RECs.

New Jersey
The New Jersey SREC program ended in June 2021 or when 5.1% of the state's electricity came from solar power, whichever came first. The program was replaced with the TREC program, which is similar to the SREC program. Before the end of the SREC program, GATS would send an email to notify owners that their eligibility period was ending. On July 1 of that year, the facility's eligibility would change from solar (SREC) to Class I (REC). 


For more information about transferring your SRECS contact CSG: 

Carbon Solutions SREC


1-888-237-SREC (7732)

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