Kelcy Kline
Activity overview
Latest activity by Kelcy Kline-
Kelcy Kline created an article, Virginia Renewable REC Market: New Classification and Opportunity to Monetize RECs
Virginia stands among the states with multiple classifications of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The state's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) has refined requirements by classifying RECs...
Kelcy Kline created an article, Understanding Your Progress Report
For a more detailed and step-by-step update, we have included the Progress Report tool. Found at the bottom of the System Registration page, this tool provides a visual, step-by-step status update...
Kelcy Kline created an article, Receiving SREC Payments through ACH
Simplify your SREC Payment experience. Say goodbye to waiting on checks and payment delays, and say hello to seamless and secure fund transfers. We are excited to introduce an effortless way to rec...
Kelcy Kline created an article, ADI SuSI Program Payment Timing
Payment Eligibility To be eligible for payments a system owner must meet the following requirements: Contracted with CSG Registered with both PJM-GATS and the Solar Incentive NJ Program A minimu...
Kelcy Kline created an article, SRECs and Taxes: Should you claim the income?
We get this question a lot, and we must make the following disclaimer before providing guidance: **CSG is not an accounting firm, so we cannot give any specific advice to you on how your REC pay...
Kelcy Kline created an article, How to grant access through Sunny Portal online monitoring
Our company account is contact@carbonsolutionsgroup.com This Youtube clip shows how to grant access:
Kelcy Kline created an article, Illinois Shines: ABP 101: The Basics of the Adjustable Block Program
The Illinois Adjustable Block Program (ABP) (also known as Illinois Shines) is a state-administered solar incentive program developed and managed by the Illinois Power Agency (IPA). It offers ince...
Kelcy Kline created an article, How to Report your Production
To report your production please go visit our Self-Reporting Generation Form Form Instructions: Please click the link above or select "Self-Reporting Generation" from the form type Subject Line: ...
Kelcy Kline created an article, Schedule A Call With Us!
Please choose one of the following to best connect you with the right agent. Please Select from the following scheduling links. You will be able to select a time based on our availability and we wi...
Kelcy Kline created an article, What is a Revenue Grade Meter
What is a Revenue Grade Meter? Revenue-Grade Meters (RGMs) are power production meters that measure to +/- 2% accuracy per the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) rule C12.1-2008. Many SR...